Thursday, July 8, 2010

Seattle Summer

...finally! I feel like Seattlites deserve summer more than other people. We've all suffered together for nine long months. Rain on July 4th?! We are the laughing-stock of Mexico and Hawaii. And California. Those states wouldn't even associate with a state like ours, and they shoot withering glances whenever Seattle walks into the room. Seattle's like a mean miser. A crochety old miser man who refuses to give. My greatest feeling is absolute indignation. How dare it.
But today: I sweat. I glisten with sunscreen. The sidewalk burns my feet. Ahhh....
I've spent all day spraying Max and myself with a squirtbottle. He gets to lie around naked on a towel. We got him a little tub so he can splash his feet. He sits in it and beams at Samuel.
Also: my friend Jenn turns me inside out. Her faith in me makes me rapturous. I wish I had two huge bouncy balls so I could give one to her. We could glisten our bouncy way into the sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    Your writing is hilarious. I'm having a grumpy morning on account of the fact that there is soy milk in my coffee instead of cream and also I CANNOT wake up, and the first thing that was able to bring a smile to my face was your blog. Max is lucky to have such a funny mama. I'm looking forward to reading more :)
